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Access to our web oddsmatcher.

Access to Evie 2ups bot: Custom filtering and personalized mobile & desktop notifications for the 2up early payout offer via Discord, In-house built odds feeds.

Access to the DailyHustle Profit Tracker.

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Access to Evie EW & Evie Spotlight bots.

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Evie Essentials


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The necessities for highly efficient value / matched betting.

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Access to our web oddsmatcher.

Access to Evie 2ups bot: Custom filtering and personalized mobile & desktop notifications for the 2up early payout offer via Discord, In-house built odds feeds.

Advanced filtering, multiple odd ranges as well as the ability to disable alerts for specific races, runners, teams and bookmakers/exchanges.

Elevated access to our discord community & strategy guides.

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Access to the DailyHustle Profit Tracker.

Access to Evie EW & Evie Spotlight bots.

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Full access to all our bots and web oddsmatcher, includes all features of Evie Essentials (£25 tier).

Access to Evie EW bot: In-house built odds feeds for UK/Irish horse racing, extra places and standard term each way value. The fastest public odds data before the off.

Access to Evie Spotlight bot: Monitor any Betfair exchange market and receive personal price notifications, including accumulators & multiple option bets to calculate fair odds.

Full access to our discord community, strategy guides and data.

Access to the DailyHustle Profit Tracker.

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